Born in February 1943 in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Educated in Malay Stream and then English, and obtained Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Lectured in the Department of Islamic Studies in the same University until 1973. Returned to Kelantan in 1973 to commit full-time as writer and da’i . In 1995 was conferred honorary degree Doctor of Letters (D.Litt) by USM in recognition of his literary contributions in Islamic Thought and dakwah activities. In 1995, he was appointed as Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia. His interests are in Islamic Thought and Sciences and their guidance in contemporary life and culture. He has written and presented many papers in Malay and English for national and international conferences. Apart from the above: he is a member of the Committee of Trusteeship for Yayasan Karyawan of Malaysia which is publishing Classic Works in Malay; member of the Editorial Board of “Pengasuh”, published by the Islamic Religious Council of Kelantan; part-time lecturer in Akademi Islam Universiti Malaya, in Islamic spirituality and ethics. Teaches Islamic classical texts in Arabic and Malay in various mosques in Kelantan. Some of his published works are: